2. Feriae nunc sunt. Inter ferias in villa maritima habito. O beatas ferias! In arena orae maritimae sunt ancorae et catenae. Nam incolae orae maritimae sunt nautae. Magna est audacia nautarum : procellas non formldant. Nautas amo, ut nautae me amant. Cum nautis interdum in scaphis navigo.


Ancora et Catena - Scapha

Ancora et Catena - Scapha


fēriae holidays
sunt are or there are
fēriae nunc sunt it is now the holidays
inter fērias during the holidays
in villā maritimā in the country-house by the sea
ō beātās fēriās oh, the happy holidays!
in arēnā on the sand
ōrae maritimae of the sea coast
ancorae anchors
et and
catēnae chains
nam for
incolae the inhabitants
nautae sailors
magna est great is / is great
audācia the courage
nautārum of sailors
procellās formidānt they fear storms
nautās amo I like sailors
ut as
mē amant they love me
cum nautīs with the sailors
in scaphīs in boats (skiffs)
nāvigō I sail (navigate)

Compare the forms of the Plural ‘nautae,’ sailors, in the above sentences : nautae me amant, sailors like me ; nautas amo, I like sailors; audacia nautarum, the courage of sailors ; cum nautis, with sailors. Note that the ending -ae, like the English -s, has two different meanings: nautae = (1) sailor’s, (2) sailors.

Compare the different forms of the same word (Plural Number) in the following sentences :

Villae bellae sunt. There are pretty country-houses, or The country-houses are pretty.

Villas bellas amo. I love pretty country-houses.

Ianuae villarum bellarum sunt apertae. The doors of the pretty country-houses are open.

In villis bellis habitant. They dwell in pretty country-houses.

Drill Exercises


§ 2. [Nominative Plural.)

  • Scaphae non procul a villa sunt.
  • Feriae sunt beatae.
  • Beatae sunt feriae.
  • Magnae sunt procellae in ora maritima,
  • Nautae procul ab ora maritima sunt
  • Nautae in scapha sunt.
  • Scapha non magna est.

  • Where are the boats ?
  • The boats are on the sand.
  • Sailors live not far from the sand of the sea-shore.
  • I sometimes sail in a boat with a sailor.
  • Chains are in the boat.
  • Anchors and chains are on the sea-shore.

§2 continued. {Genitive Plural.)

  • Scaphae nautarum interdum magnae sunt.
  • Ancorae scapharum magnarum magnae sunt.
  • Ancorae scapharum non magnarum non magnae sunt.

  • The boats of the sailors are not far from the door of the country house.
  • The anchors of the boats are on the sand.
  • The anchors and the chains of the anchors are on the sand.
  • The inhabitants of country-houses are not sailors.
  • The courage of the inhabitants of the sea-shore is great.